Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Transform your body, mind, and life today-YOGA-Euro Nutraceuticals 2018

#Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are. The journey to self-discovery begins today. Mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.
  • The word "yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning "to yoke or join together." Some people take this to mean a union of mind and body.

  • Philosophy of yoga

  • Hatha yoga - physical and mental branch - involves asana and pranayama practice - preparing the body and mind
  •  Raja yoga - meditation and strict adherence to the "eight limbs of yoga"
  •  Karma yoga - path of service to consciously create a future free from negativity and selfishness caused by our actions
  •  Bhakti yoga - path of devotion - a positive way to channel emotions and cultivate acceptance and tolerance
  •  Jnana yoga - wisdom, the path of the scholar and intellect through study
  •  Tantra yoga - pathway of ritual, ceremony or consummation of a relationship.

            Join our International event to keep your body warm and mind energetic, Come share your #research #experience with yoga at this event 
             contact nutraceutical2018@gmail.com

            Yoga @ Euro Nutraceuticals 2108

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